For Employers

For employers, including those self-insured, we work with you to help your employees understand the benefits of precision oncology and be educated on important topics that can potentially improve outcomes when an employee or their family member is diagnosed with cancer.

Knowledge and Support to Help Improve Care for Your Employees with Cancer

Cancer management is a critical topic for employers due to the impact on employees when they or a family member are diagnosed with cancer, especially advanced cancer. Precision oncology is a key advancement in cancer care, particularly for patients with locally advanced or metastatic cancer. Today, guideline recommended complete genomic testing provides insights that help doctors match patients with the best FDA-approved targeted therapy to improve patient outcomes. This biomarker-informed approach to treating advanced cancer can be more effective in improving progression-free survival with fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy or immunotherapy.1-7 Evidence has also shown that precision medicine can help lead to a lower total cost of care.8

By Partnering, You Can Help Your Employees Access the Latest Advancements That Can Empower the Best Decisions for Their Care

For survivors of early-stage cancer, there are blood tests that detect minimal residual disease (MRD) after surgery to help doctors assess the presence of remaining disease and risk of recurrence, which can help inform further treatment and surveillance. The test is available for patients with early-stage colorectal cancer, with additional cancer types to follow.

In addition to options for patients with advanced and early-stage cancer, Guardant Health’s blood tests will help screen for cancer in average-risk, asymptomatic adults.

This test is in development and the first indication is colorectal cancer, with additional cancer types to follow. The detection of cancer in its earliest stage, when it can be treated most effectively, is essential to ensuring the best outcomes for patients, and can help reduce cancer treatment costs for employers.

“Today, precision oncology can help guide employers to the best treatment options for their employees diagnosed with cancer. Tomorrow, it may help provide new options for cancer screening.”

AmirAli Talasaz, co-CEO

Contact Us

If you are a self-insured employer interested in learning more about our employer program, contact us.